Tuesday, February 28, 2012

March Preview

Project X
To quote every movie site on the internet right now the found footage genre has been getting a work out lately. It's brought us some terrible films (The Devil Inside). However with Chronicle out last month I have a bit more hope for this genre. Project X looks like it could be a very funny, very raunchy teen sex comedy. I'm very worried about stupidity and likability of the character and the stupidity of events. Maybe this is the loser talking in me but I have some hope for this film I'm just worried about what it could turn into too.

Expectations: Good 

The Lorax
Despite Despicable Me predictable nature I really enjoyed it. The Next film coming from that company I have a lot less hope for. The problem with The Lorax to me is that it's seems to be a preachy film with lots and lots of cheap jokes and slapstick.  I liked the Lorax story, the animation quality and l the voice talent enough for this to give me some hope and believe that this will be watchable just forgettable.

Expectations:  Okay

John Carter
Clearly Disney has dollar signs in there eyes when they look at John Carter. John Carter already has a sequel in the works. It probably won't matter if critical reception is great anyways. I think this film has a lot of  potential. The premise is solid , I love mashing up of genres and the special effects and cinematography look amazing. The only think tat prevents from going @#$% yeah is the dialogue and just a nagging feeling that this won't be very good. Watch  the trailer again and every second line of dialogue is a clique taken from a clique film with a clique to boot. It's a clique sandwich which isn't as delicious as it sound. Despite my worries I'm very excited for John Carter

Expectations: Great

Silent House
A good rule of thumb is that any movie that shows a full trailer in a YouTube isn't going to be very good. At the very least mildly enjoyable. The premise seems like a basic haunted house premise with simple execution.  Elizabeth Olsen was very good in Martha Marcy May Marlene and hopefully can elevate the material beyond it's basic and boring execution.

Expectations: Forgettable

A Thousand Words
Excuse this pun but you can keep your thousand words  I need just four @#$% you Eddie Murphy. This is a sitcom premise that would grow old after about 10 minutes. I see little too nothing redeemable in this and if/when I'm dragged too this kicking and screaming I will not be happy .

Expectations: @#$%# you.

21 Jump Street
Against every fiber of my being I'm going to say that this is going to be decent. Know to be clear I don't think this is going to be amazing I don't think it will groundbreaking I just think it will be a decently enjoyable comedy . Most of the jokes in the trailer work for me and I think that Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill can make this better than excepted. I could be wrong and this could turn out to be a terrible mess of a film. Just call me optimistic.

Expectations: Decent

The Hunger Games
Look I want to be clear that I don't like the source material. First I think the book is just a rip off/lighter version  of Battle Royal and the book just wasn't up to par with little too no actions scenes. However I really like Gary Ross, Jennifer Lawrence and I think that they will be able to turn this a watchable film but it certainly won't be for me. It won't matter what I say this will still be a blockbuster and garner many sequels. For Better or for worse.

Expectations: Watchable

Mirror Mirror
I'll start with saying that Julia Roberts is probably going to be very good in this film. I think it's inspired casting to give her a villain role and I'm sure she'll knock it out of the park. That saying I don't hold out hope for this film. This film doesn't look like it has much to offer besides Julia Roberts and the trailer was one bad joke after other. Any time a film has a character say"Say hello to my little friend" I lose interest.

Expectations: Bad

Wrath of the Titans
Look I'm not mad about this so I'm not going to tell this movie to @#$% itself but the first movie in this series The Clash of the Titans was terrible and I have little hope that they can turn this film franchise around.

Expectations: Really Bad

Monday, February 27, 2012


My name is Evan Paul  Gritter and I'm a loser and a movie reviewer. I guess one kinda of leads to the other. I review movies with a simple system five star system simple movie reviews with some self pity to boot. Because that's how Losers do it well actually I can't speak for Losers anymore after I got banned from that convention.